Prosthodontics – restoration of the structure of teeth and teeth itself, by returning the comfort of food chewing and aesthetic look to the patient. Prosthetic dentistry also ensures the stability and longevity of the results achieved during the treatment of teeth. Correctly and precisely manufactured dental prosthetics are almost identical to the person‘s original teeth.
- Non-removable constructions – crowns and bridges
- Removable constructions – removable partial dentures and plates.
Each patient and situation are individual. Much attention is given to aesthetics and durability of construction.
A porcelain-fused-to-metal prosthesis’ core which adds durability to the crown. Crown color is selected individually, based on the color of a person’s natural teeth by using a special key of ceramic colors. To make a ceramic crown, a person’s natural tooth must be polished and give it a particular shape. Tooth polishing is not a complicated or painful procedure. Very often, the patient feels just a slight vibration of a dental drill, which occurs when it gets into contact with the tooth.
Metal-free ceramic prosthetics
These prosthetics stand out for their exceptional aesthetics, high transparency, however, they’re not as strong as strong as metal-ceramic prosthetics, so they’re more often proposed to patients for prosthetics of individual frontal teeth.
Zirconium oxide ceramic prosthetics
They are far more durable than metal-free ceramic restorations. Instead of dark metal, a white, durable zirconium oxide framework is used. In such a way good aesthetic and strong crown construction is ensured. It’s used both for the restoration of lateral and frontal teeth.
If several teeth are missing or if the supporting teeth are weaker, then removable teeth constructions are used for prosthetics; however, there’s always an alternative of dental implants. Dental implants allow to make crowns at the place of the missing tooth and preserve a person’s natural teeth.
If many teeth are missing, or if there are no teeth at the back of the mouth, or even if there are no teeth at all, non-removable prosthetics can be manufactured with their help. However, every situation, just like each patient are different, as well as the construction of prosthetics, so it would be the most purposeful for each patient to come for a consultation to the clinic.