Implantation of the teeth is one of the most advanced treatment methods in the restoration of the lost teeth. Dental implants may be used for restoration of one, several or all teeth. Implanted teeth are equal to the natural teeth of the person. They don’t need to be taken out; they fully restore the function of mastication; adjacent teeth are preserved. Dental implants are made from titanium-zirconium alloy, an exceptionally durable material which is biologically compatible with the bone. To avoid risks and enjoy new teeth for a long time, selection of a qualified and experienced specialist it is crucial.
- Overall assessment of patient‘s health. It is essential to find out whether the patient has no general diseases which may influence the course of the procedure and treatment result.
- Assessment of the general condition of the mouth. Good oral hygiene and healthy remaining teeth are important.
- Panoramic images or computed tomography analysis. It is important to assess whether there’s enough bone (its thickness and height). If there’s not enough bone, an additional bone restoration procedure is necessary.
- Planning of treatment together with a surgeon and prosthodontist. The course of the treatment, timing and price are discussed.
- Insertion of implants. The procedure is painless, performed after injection of local anesthetics. The time of the procedure depends on the amount of the implants inserted. Insertion of one dental implant takes about an hour. Little pain and slight swelling after the procedure is normal. Unpleasant sensations pass during several days. Painkillers prescribed by the surgeon allow to feel no pain at all during the post-surgery period and don’t require to change one’s daily routine. A temporary tooth can be installed, which later, as the implant will naturalize, will be replaced with a permanent tooth.
- Implants fully integrate into the bone in 3 to 12 weeks. It depends on the selected type of implants and the state of your jawbone. If the bone grafting operation of a larger scale is performed, then it is necessary to wait up to 6 months.
- Gum forming using a healing cup screwed on the implant. Performed with the application of local anesthetics. The procedure is painless, takes up to half an hour. Left for 2 – 3 weeks so that the gums could form around the implant.
- Taking of dental impressions, setting color. The order is handed over for manufacturing to a dental technician at the laboratory. One tooth is manufactured in several days. If there are more teeth needed, then manufacturing may take a little longer.
- The manufactured tooth is screwed on the implant.
Maintenance of dental implants is not complicated. It is important to maintain personal oral hygiene and come for oral hygiene regularly. Also, to go once a year to the prosthodontist who performed implantation for a control checkup.
Usually, our clinic specialists use implants of the most advanced manufacturer STRAUMANN.
- High naturalization indicators, reaching 98-100 %.
- International lifetime warranty. A new implant and prosthetic parts will cost you nothing.
- If there’s a need, a professional qualified odontologist’s assistance will be provided in more than 70 countries.
- STRAUMANN dental implants ROXOLID SLActive – twice shorter naturalization time due to the chemically active surface of implants. The surface stimulates blood particles responsible for healing processes.
- Extremely durable alloy invented and patented by STRAUMANN allows manufacturing implants of smaller diameter. Therefore, intervention into the organism is less. The healing process is faster.
- All STRAUMANN implants and prosthetic parts are unexceptionally manufactured in Switzerland.
- STRAUMANN is a company of dental implants which invests most into scientific research in the entire world.